Smart Wealth Insider (3rd Edition)

Your #1 guide to building generational wealth!

Welcome to Smart Wealth Insider

In today’s edition:

  • Wealth tip of the week

  • Wealth-building challenge of the week

  • Budgeting 101

  • And more…

This is approximately a 3-minute read.

Wealth Tip of the Week

Wealth Building Challenge of the Week

Set a Savings Goal

Set a specific savings target for the month and outline steps to achieve it. 

Goal: Encourage disciplined saving and financial goal-setting.

Let me know the results of this challenge by Saturday so I can give you a shoutout.

Budgeting 101

Budgeting isn’t just for people who are “broke,” it’s an important part of money-management, which is what separates the rich from the poor.

So, whether it's your first time making a budget or just sticking to one, here’s a super simple guide to help you stay on track while still living your life.

1. Think of Your Budget as Guardrails, Not a Straightjacket

A budget is like a set of friendly boundaries for your money. It’s not there to trap you or make you feel guilty.

It’s more like a map telling you where your money should go, instead of wondering where it went.

The goal? To help you stay on the road to a better financial future without swerving off into unnecessary spending.

2. Start with the Basics—Groceries, Entertainment, and Baby Expenses

When planning out your budget, be realistic. A lot of people underestimate their grocery bills, so make sure to buffer that line item.

If you and your spouse agree to spend, say, $50 on entertainment this month, stick to that. If a $40 movie pops up and you only have $10 left, skip it—your future is more important than that two-hour flick.

3. Your Why Is Bigger Than the Moment

Here’s the secret sauce for sticking to your budget: your “why.” You’re not cutting back on Starbucks just to save a few bucks; you’re doing it because you want to provide an amazing life for yourself or your family tree.

Every decision you make—whether it’s choosing between a movie or savings—gets you one step closer to financial peace and a better life for your family.

4. Use Technology to Keep You Accountable

Budgeting doesn’t have to be a headache. There’s an app called EveryDollar (it’s free!) that lets you track your spending in real-time. When the app says you’re out of money in a category, that’s it.

5. Celebrate What You Can Spend

One cool thing about budgeting is that it actually gives you permission to spend—without guilt! 💸 If you’ve set aside money for clothes, and you’re still within your limit, treat yourself. You’ll feel like a financial superhero for staying within your budget while still enjoying life.

6. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

It’s important that you and your spouse are on the same page. Sit down together, plan out your budget, and remind each other of your “why” when things get tough. If you both stay committed, you’ll see huge benefits—not just for your wallet, but for your relationship too. 💑

In short, remember that a budget is not a punishment—it's your game plan for a stronger, smarter financial future.

Stick to it, track it, and enjoy watching your money work for you!

Connect With Me

If you want to connect, reply to this email with your thoughts and what you’d like to see moving forward.

I’d love to hear from you.

Stay wealthy,

-Matthew Johnson
